Monday, June 8, 2020

SPOX’s Daily Briefing - Demand for TV Dinners has Soared

As we move closer to the New Normal, the demand for many things is increasing. We had to change our habits and routines. One of the winners is TV dinners and frozen food. I have to report the facts, as I see them.

Regular Demand

The normal things we need are really in constant demand like food and drink and toilet paper. With restaurants and bars closed, we have moved to eating at home. That’s why grocery stores were deemed essential. But our wives found out quickly, cooking every day got old fast.

So enter the TV dinner’s popularity. As my wife put it, “If it takes more than four and a half minutes, I’m not cooking it.”

The other thing that took a hit was personal appearance. The practice of hair coloring, toenail, and fingernail care became a home project. Let’s put it this way, there are more brunettes then I remember before the shutdown.

A Note: Look for the Spox’x Chicken Fried Steak TV dinner. Its demand has exploded. You can’t find the dinners anywhere.

Static Demand

These are things that we do frequently but are not life or death activities like eating out at restaurants. We have seen a spike in the usage of drive-thru restaurants.

On-line buying became very popular and maybe a big change to our new normal. Even the sale of cars online exploded. You just select it on the internet and they drop it off at your home. You have seven days to return the vehicle if you don’t like it. My neighbors are on their third car. Go figure.

The price of gas is down drastically. Of course, we aren’t driving anywhere anyway. I logged in forty miles last week down from a regular two hundred.

Our social distancing and wearing protective mask usage is starting to decline. One authority estimated that only about 15% of the people in the U.S. practiced preventive methods.

One thing that is changing this is the current demonstrations and riots over the death of a man in police custody.  While the social distancing is out the window, the wearing of masks has increased.

The job market is starting to improve. Many are starting to return to their day jobs. Others are starting the old job shuffle. They are changing jobs, hopefully with a bigger opportunity.

As broadcasted the other day, over 60% of the unemployed are making more money than they did when they were working. I interviewed a guy at a bar last week. “I’m not going back while I’m getting the extra money.” He finished the conversation by hoisting his mug of beer and saluting me.
Next, I talked with a chair salesman. I just had to spend part of my stimulus. He was forced to return to his job or lose his seniority. “I was making more on unemployment but I couldn’t go backward. Everyone is going to be looking for a job soon.”

Bars are coming back strong. At least, the new normal will still include my favorite pastime.

Our Heroes

Our condolences to those who have lost love ones and to the patients and their family members that continue to fight COVID-19. Salute to our doctors and medical workers and our first responders.

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