Monday, June 22, 2020

SPOX’s Daily Briefing – Bars, Casinos and Shoe Stores are Reopening

Silver Dollar Bar and Grill
Tenderloins and cold beer. What a great combination. For many years, a glass of beer at the Silver Dollar was a buck. Two years ago they changed it to a dollar and a half. For your information they didn’t change the name of the bar.

They had a pickup service during the shutdown. They had a full-service drive-up where you could get a burger and fries plus refreshments. You could even buy lottery tickets. They would bring them right to the car with a penny to scratch them with.

Casino Time
My favorite casino on the river in Laughlin, NV is reopening. You can sit there all day and drink their beer or whatever for free. That is as long as you’re playing the video poker. My biggest pay day there was the weekend I won eight tee shirts. Of course, with my luck, the logos were gone the first time I washed them. I did keep two on the side to polish my car with.

Shoe Stores
Boy, I was glad this happened when it did. About half-way through the shutdown, I blow a shoe jogging. The little nails in my right shoe popped up through the sole. Well, the malls were closed so I had to put thick paper in the bottom.

Finally, I got in a shoe store. I remember the good old days when you went in, sat on a stool and a salesclerk helped you measure your feet. They would made sure you got what you wanted, back then. As you know, it’s self-service now.

The store I went to was practicing social distancing and sanitation. Each aisle had a monitor to check what you had touched. And they had a cart to put the shoes in you had tried on.  As you left the monitor got his spray bottle and sanitized the leftover shoes and the seat you were sitting on. I have odd sized shoe, so I had filled up the cart. Job security.

Hair & Beauty Supply Stores and Beauty Parlors
They are beginning to open. My wife was going crazy. Finally, her favorite store was open for business.

They were doing a good job monitoring customers. They had a limit on the number of customers that could be in the store at one time. And all employees had gloves and masks on. Each customer was required to wear a mask while shopping. Unlike other opening stores, it looked like the customers wanted to wear masks. I think the main reason was not the flu but their identity.

The banks are starting to loosen their customer restrictions. They had been directing their customers through the drive-thru but they have dropped the limit of two people per car.

You could go inside the bank by appointment only. They required a mask and a customer account. They checked your temperature and your bank balance before letting you enter. I understand they are loosening the customer account requirement.

Our Real Heroes

Our condolences to those who have lost love ones and to the patients and their family members that continue to fight COVID-19.

A big salute to our doctors and medical workers and our first responders.

A salute to Calvin Munerlyn, 43, a father of eight and a black security guard who was murdered doing his job.
And to black federal law enforcement officer, Dave Patrick Underwood, 53, who was shot and killed while providing security at the U.S. courthouse in Oakland during a protest. He died from gunshot wounds sustained after someone fired shots from an unidentified vehicle.

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