Sunday, May 3, 2020

SPOX's Daily Briefing – Surfs UP in Huntington Beach

As we start to recover from the Pandemic, businesses are opening and we are getting back to our normal activities. However, Huntington Beach, my old stomping ground, is in the spotlight.

The Governor recently closed beaches in conservative Orange County after thousands of people enjoyed the beaches the weekend before but also compromised social distancing.

So we gathered at the Huntington Beach pier and protested. Some were saying the governor had singled out Orange County and overstepped his authority while allowing other beaches in California to remain open.

Meanwhile, Santa Monica Beach, Venice Beach, and San Diego beaches and piers remained open with time limits.

What politicians don’t understand we are a different bred. The beaches are everything to us.  

Except for the beaches being empty, everything seemed pretty normal. People were surfing, skating, walking, running, and biking all over the place. There were life guards in place watching the ocean. The garbage cans were overflowing and there was the usual amount of trash on the sand.

There was no Ladies Volleyball going on. That always draws a crowd. You know it’s more than the competition.

Also, Newport Beach was closed including my favorite place, Blackie’s by the Sea. They did keep the parking meters going. So, many people jumped in their boats and headed to the open sea to fish and party.

Us beach bums are a different lot. This is not how we roll.

Salute to our doctors and medical workers and our first responders. Join me at Blackie’s for the coldest beer in town. Let’s go catch a wave today.

 JR Spox

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