Wednesday, April 29, 2020

SPOX's Daily Briefing – Bernie’s World

The latest health crisis has showcased what a socialist economy would look like. While our hearts reach out to those who are suffering through these hard times and for the loss of loved ones, others are planning to take advantage of a bad situation.

His platform
1.      Fundamentally transform our energy system away from fossil fuel and towards energy efficiency and renewable energy.
2.      Free College for All.
3.      Increase the minimum wage to at least $15 per hour.
4.      Give Medicare for All to individuals by raising taxes for large corporations to pay for things.

One Congresswoman even suggested low-income Americans should boycott work after coronavirus shutdown ends and let the government pay for everything.

So is the plan measuring up during this crisis?

The fossil fuel industry has cut their emissions by 40% according to one expert.

We are now offering College for All on-line.

The $600 addition to the unemployment compensation adds up to $15 an hour, if the person worked 40 hours. The addition expires 7/31/20. Currently, we have 26M unemployed. (Rate up from 3.4% to 15%)

However, several people in Congress are pushing to extend the plan to 12/31/20. An expert said he estimates an 8% unemployment rate by the end of the year, if we have a $600 extension.

This is the World of Bernie in living color.

Salute to our doctors and medical workers and our first responders. They should be the ones getting the increase in pay.

 JR Spox

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

SPOX's Daily Briefing – Social Distancing and Retail Stores

The pandemic has caused much sickness and confusion. I needed to do some research for my valued readers.

Doctor’s warning
Before I got started, my doctor warned me that visiting a large retail store can be very dangerous for me because I have 5 of the top 6 preexisting conditions. Thank god I’m not pregnant. 

Visit store
Shopping at large retailers still remains a major concern for the American people. So off I went to the local large retailer.

Safety measures - The visit started off in the right direction.
They had an employee working at each entrance controlling the customer count.
Another employee was disinfecting carts and supplying hand sanitizers.
They had even started one-way traffic through the 16 isles of frozen food and packaged products.

The store spokesman had posted the new Retailer’s shopping process.
We are closing store overnight for cleanings and restocking.
We are installing sneeze guards and social distance markers in stores.
We are beginning temperature checks of employees.
We are starting to make gloves and masks available to associates who want them.

Problems – Then I started my research of personal safety.
The first thing on my list was the use of masks.
I observed about 20 employees and 100+ customers. Here’s what I found.

1 – Employee fully masked with plastic gloves – the checkout clerk looked like she was ready for surgery
1 – Employee partially masked – mask band was over one ear with the mask dangling down
6 – Deli personal were wearing plastic gloves and caps – no masks

In addition, less than one in twenty customers were wearing masks.

Limited purchases
Toilet paper was still being rationed at one package per customer.
The store had added: eggs – bags of ice – hair coloring - other items to the limited list.

What’s next?
A spokesman said Jack Daniels is next on their list because of the increase in demand.

 JR Spox

Monday, April 20, 2020

SPOX’s Daily Briefing - Great New Deal and Cows

The Green New Deal is a 10-year plan to create a greenhouse gas neutral society.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a freshman congresswoman from the Bronx, is one of the major advocates of this policy.

As a spokesman said recently, “greenhouse gas emissions from cows have a bigger environmental impact than one might expect. Methane gas produced by bovine flatulence contributes a significant portion of the greenhouse gases contributing to global warming.”

AOC commented, “What We Need to Do is Have a Serious Conversation About Cow Flatulence.”

Well, help is on the way. The companies that are converting production lines and/or manufacturing additional critical supplies can, also, solve this problem.

One company who produces ‘Beano for Adults’ is working on a project called ‘Beano for Cows’. Beano is a food enzyme dietary supplement tablet that helps to prevent gas before it starts.

Another group, the Steak Restaurant Association, is investing in a new apparatus to strap to the back end of cows. A spokesman said, “This could be a game-changer. It could stop the problem at the source and save the livestock industry. We are getting some blowback from some of the Shovel Manufactures. Their beef is this would impact an important part of the manure removal segment of their business.”

 JR Spox

Sunday, April 19, 2020

SPOX Daily Briefing - Toilet Paper Usage

Guidelines from the White House to reopen economy offered
Governors to enact individual plans for their state in phases

SPOX's Reopen Plans for Individuals

Toilet paper usage

Phase 1
Limit yourself to five sheets per event.
Recommend Single Ply, if available.

Phase 2
Move to more than one event per day.
Two ply acceptable.

Phase 3
Let her rip.

Guide:  Two wraps around your hand equals five sheets unless you have small hands.